At Test Automation Days, we would like to give attendees the opportunity to play with tools and gain more hands-on experience! For that reason, we are looking for tool challenges for day 2 (September 16): e.g. an advanced problem to solve or just a first encounter with a new tool. We are looking for ideas: to have hands-on exercises, challenges or any other ideas on a specific tool that you want to share and support our attendees on their journey in our Test Lab. This can be any kind of tool, not only for automated testing. We will also consider tools for performance testing, continuous delivery, security testing, cloud-related, etc. All tools are welcome: both open source and commercial tools. We are not looking for a tutorial. It will be a part of Test Lab, where we will run a few parallel tools challenges. Attendees can come and go, try out one or more tools. It will look more like an expo, than a workshop. The focus will be on the hands-on experiences for the attendee, not on demos and/or talks. Each speaker(s) will cover one tool.

Your idea should be a challenge that can be solved within a limited time e.g. within 45 minutes (or shorter). We just ask you to prepare a limited amount of challenges for one day (somewhat between 1 and 5). You also need to be available for coaching and answering questions during the sessions.

Be aware, we are not looking for demo’s or commercial pitches, we are looking for proposals that attendees can have their hands on the keyboard and benefit from.

We want to know your idea (what kind of assignment?), a description of the challenge(s), the tool you are going to use, how you want to organize the challenge(s) and what you do need from us. Because it is the first time we organize this, we would like to exchange thoughts about how we can do it. Besides that we will be using a ‘buddy’ system: if you are selected we will make contact to discuss the way it is going to be executed.

There will be a Test Lab available for you: a room for giving the attendees your assignments during day 2 of our conference. We also want to know what is needed to be provided and get your idea going (e.g. laptops, configurations, software, licenses).

Just to give you a few examples of the idea to trigger your thinking about this topic:

  1. You may want to teach our attendees basics about Selenium with Python. You will provide one laptop with Selenium and Python installed. The idea is to teach attendee(s) to write their own simple tests in Selenium and run them.
  2. You may want to teach attendees how to write their first lambda function on AWS (it does not need to be a test that can run in a lambda). You need AWS account from us, with free tier. You will think of the lambda functionality and pick a programming language (maybe even two and explain how you can use serverless to write applications using different programming languages)
  3. You may want to teach attendees the basic use of the OWASP ZAP tool. You have everything on your laptop and you need one more with Windows 10 and you will install everything.

Submission deadline: Wednesday May 15, 2021
The program committee will review the challenges on content and the link with the conference theme. Please mark your calendar for attending the conference on September 16. We expect submitters to be available for the whole conference day. Submitters will receive a notification of acceptance no later than June 12, 2021.

Fill in the form here.

We have a code of conduct you will agree upon when speaking at TAD.

For speakers from abroad we offer a remuneration for travel and hotel costs. Speakers from Europe (outside The Netherlands or Belgium) will get a maximum travel reimbursement of € 250 and speakers from outside Europe will get a maximum travel reimbursement of € 500. For both we will arrange a room for one night in a hotel close the conference venue. Please indicate if you would need remuneration during your submission, since we have a limited budget. If you can travel by car, we will provide free parking at het conference venue.

Do you also have an inspiring presentation or workshop for Test Automation Days 2021: please visit our call for presentations