Lately Corina-Adina Pip sees some lack of trust in roles dedicated to testing, whether that role is that of a Tester, QA or QC. Reasons may vary, but what’s important is for us, testers, to help improve that perception. In our job we are so focused on looking at the quality of the product we are testing, but do we always look at our work being of the highest quality? Are we doing our best, and are we contributing to the fullest to increase the overall quality of our projects? Quality is a shared responsibility, and we can inspire everyone to contribute.

Corina-Adina Pip, QA Manager, Deloitte Digital Romania & Owner will host the keynote “Putting the Quality Back Into QA” that will take place on Thursday March 6.

Meet world’s leading Test Automation experts! Register now and ensure your place at this unique conference. Get a combi ticket for a fee of € 890,- or register for Day 1 for € 495,- or for Day 2 for € 445,-.