We are looking for interesting presentations, cases and stories for the program of Test Automation Days 2020 that will correspondent with the central theme: Test Automation: The Next Chapter. We are interested in your stories about test automation now and then.
Test Automation Days will have its 10th anniversary in 2020 (Hurray!). 10 years is a long time in IT so a lot of things happened. Think about all the changes in test automation: what kind of tools have we been using during all these years and are still in use? And what about the test automation practices we learned about? Not only tooling and test automation practices has changed in all these years. New approaches such as Continuous Delivery and Integration had an immense impact on test automation, something we could only dream of 10 years ago.
Evolution is not only about the history, but also about looking at the future. What will the next 10 years bring us? What will artificial intelligence do with test automation and how will test automation be applied while replacing all the legacy which is at the end of their life-cycle? What great things in test automation are you working on and do you want to share with us? What has been a legacy from the past, that’s now fully operational? We are interested in your stories about test automation now and then: what where your successes? But even more interesting: What went wrong? What are your failures and what have you learned?
Call for Presentations
If you are interested in giving a presentation, fill in the form to send your submission to the Program Committee. We are looking for half-day tutorials, 90-minute hands-on masterclasses, and 45-minute presentations or workshops.
Submission deadline: Wednesday February 26 2020
The program committee will review the papers on content and the link with the conference theme. Please mark your calendar for attending the conference on September 22 & 23. We expect submitters to be available for the whole selected conference day. Submitters will receive a notification of acceptance no later than March 23, 2020.
Please visit the Call for Presentations page for more information.