On September 16, the original date of TAD 2021, we will host a small online program for the Test Automation Community with the central theme “Exploring the edges of Test Automation”. This is made possible by our partners: Squerist, Alten, Capgemini, Parasoft, Qquest and Valori. The program committee will create a small program out of our confirmed speakers. This will result in a 2 to 2,5 hour online program. The webinar program will start at 15.00 and end around 17.30 hrs. (CET time). The program schedule can be found via this page, the content of the sessions will be announced in August.

You can register for FREE for this online Code Red Edition.
Don’t wait and save your digital seat!

Confirmed speakers – Code Red Edition

  • Ard Kramer, Program Chair TAD & Senior Consultant, speaker and trainer, OrangeCrest
  • Jon Hare Winton, Engineering, Spotify
  • Gil Zilberfeld, Agile Testing Consultant, TestinGil
  • Gwen Diagram, Principal Engineering Manager, Sonocent
  • Robert Meaney, Director of Engineering, Glofox

More information about the online Code Red Edition on September 16: www.testautomationdays.com/cre