Program committee
Test Automation Days is organized with the help of a program commitee. Enthusiastic (inter)national professionals in Test Automation who know what is hot and happening in the workfield will set the central theme, score the call for papers submissions and create a program for the conference. We are pleased to introduce our program commitee:
- Ard Kramer, program chair & qualisoof, senior consultant, speaker and trainer at OrangeCrest
- Jan Jaap Cannegieter, Principal consultant at Squerist
- Mirjana Kolarov, Test Architect at Levi9 IT Services, Co-Founder at Test’RS Club
- Viktor Clerc, Business Unit Manager at Xebia
Test Automation Days is supported by several partners in the workfield of Test Automation. Our founding partner Squerist and our Chief Sponsor for Day 1 Xebia already confirmed their involvement for TAD 2020.
Squerist is a leading Dutch consultancy company, specialized in Quality Assurance, Software Testing, Test Automation and Process Management. Squerist is Founding Partner from the early beginnings of Test Automation Days and will be involved in all aspects of the conference.
Xebia is a group of highly ambitious craftsmen. From strategy to technology implementation, Xebia is a one-stop shop for full stack digital transformation. Xebia is Chief Sponsor Day 1 since 2019 and will be involved with the interactive workshops on the first day.
Would you also like to partner up with Test Automation Days? Please contact Linda Wouters.
Are you already exited for the 10 year anniversary of Test Automation Days? The early bird registration is open, please visit our registration page for more information! We will launch the central theme and call for presentations in December, stay tuned via our Twitter, LinkedIn group and newsletter.