You’ve got thousands of automated tests running, multiple test and coverage reports and logs – but you can’t see the forest from the trees. The problem is you don’t know: Is it safe to release? With refined, specific metrics, you can define reports (or dashboard) that tell you the real quality of the product. You can then decide what to do about it.

This is a case-study of building a quality dashboard with metrics and reports that matter for an application with hundreds of APIs, and multiple front-ends. Some features were better covered than others, but what that coverage meant was vague.

The dashboard was built, collecting information from multiple sources – test reports and coverage reports from Jenkins, custom logs that were farmed for information, SonarQube and more. We then added some “brains” to show the analyzed metrics, in terms of covered and uncovered test cases, test quality and more. We then presented a confidence level calculated from the metrics. The effort was done by developers, quality advisors, dev-ops people and others. This session is about this project.

The dashboard and reports help managers see what features are ready, where the gaps are, and gave back feedback to the developers how well their tests are working for them. With this session you may be inspired to build a quality reports that tell you how well your team is doing.

Gil Zilberfeld, Agile Testing Consultant at TestinGil will host the Session B1 “The Quality Dashboard” on Wednesday September 16, as one of the presentations. Interested to see more of the program? Visit the program page!

Continuity Guarantee
We are looking forward to meet the Test Automation Community again on September 15 and 16 in the Netherlands. Thing are looking up for physical event. But just in case…we are prepared. So your proposal (or tickets) will remain of value. Read more about it here!

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