Join Johan Sap (Quality Analyst Qquest) and Stephen Evans (Community Lead Tommy Hilfiger) as they take you through a 2-year agile transformation journey of two of the most well-known global fashion brands (Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein), and how they’re working toward creating a Fashion Tech powerhouse! Hear about how QA is contributing to the development of an agile mindset and a quality-focused culture, how our operational resourcing model leverages the expertise of trusted external partners to develop in-house tools and skills, whilst building our own in-house competencies. The ultimate goal? Secure core knowledge and skills internally, complemented by external best-in-class consultancy resources and services. Hear about the path to an in-house developed and maintained automation framework, the challenges encountered and addressed, and the solutions adopted (and adapted). Our ever-growing automation framework has matured from the testing of web applications only and has now extended to SAP ERP automation and mobile platforms. With these extended automation possibilities, together with a modular approach, end-to-end integration tests can be assembled using a ‘building block’ testing mechanism, allowing the creator of the tests to select the building block(s) needed to execute the desired end-to-end flow. Hear about the results so far, including how the technical achievements have supported the growth of the business; i.e. a maturing automation framework supporting our ever-expanding eCom and Omnichannel businesses. Find out what is next on the roadmap and perhaps how you can benefit from the learnings made.

Johan and Stephen will host this session on September 23, as one of the break-out presentations. Interested to see more of the program? Visit the program page!

Live conference: to meet responsibly and safely
Your health is important to us! With the current guidelines it is possible to host a physical conference this year with 1,5 social distance. We will follow all the guidelines set by the Dutch Government and the RIVM, and take appropriate measures to ensure all of our guests’ safety. Below you can find more details about the corona protocol for Test Automation Days. More information.

Interested to join Test Automation Days? Register here.

About Test Automation Days
Test Automation Days is a unique two day conference focused on test automation. In 2020 we will celebrate our 10th anniversary on September 22 & 23 in Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, The Netherlands.The first day will be focused on opportunities for the attendees to learn by doing! A tutorial/workshop day full of half-day workshops, where tools, technologies and innovative practices flourish! The workshops will give novice, medium-experienced and advanced test automation engineers the opportunity to gain and share their experiences.
The second day will be more focusing on exchanging ideas and tips through talks and presentations, including master classes of two hours for more hands-on experiences.